Should you train with metal or wood?
Oct 15th 2018
Should you train with metal or wood? It's great to begin training with wood as early as possible, especially if you are in high school or play competitive travel baseball. Let's find out why.
Wood bats are not as forgiving as metal bats, so you will be able to feel and recognize mistakes with ease. Metal bats are designed to dampen the shock to your hands after making contact with the ball. This makes it more difficult to tell if you have or have not hit the ball in the sweet spot. Using a wood bat also makes it easier to identify if your ball has backspin which is necessary for the ball to travel as far as it can.
Form and Technique
Wood bats are a great tool for perfecting your swing. Training with wood forces the player to hit pitches over all areas of the plate with more skill. Unlike practicing with metal, you will not be able to simply “grip and rip” any ball over the plate. Instead, you will need to recognize whether the ball is inside or outside and correctly time your swing. This will improve plate discipline which takes time to develop and is necessary for next-level play.
Training with wood will also teach you how to drive the ball to all parts of the field. Being able to selectively drive the ball is what separates good hitters from great ones. Developing your swing using a wood bat will give you the feel and patience required for driving the ball over the heads of shortstop and second base.
Next Level of Play
Training with wood will not only prepare you for wood bat tournaments, but can also help take you the next level. College coaches love scouting at wood bat tournaments and like to see that you can handle your bat with confidence. Using a wood bat against competitive travel pitching will showcase your true pop, swing speed and ability to move the bat through the zone - all necessary skills to play collegiate baseball.
Here at Marucci Sports, we understand your needs as a player, which is why every wood bat is handcrafted with the Big League-trusted consistency and quality you expect. Whether you are looking for your favorite Pro Model or a player-inspired custom bat, we are dedicated to producing tools that give you confidence at the plate.