No Attachment Necessary
A dual-locking mechanism holds the SwingTracker sensor securely in the knob of the bat, so you can track your swing with no added weight or bulky restrictions for a clean, consistent swing and the most accurate data possible. Due to the process of carving out a space for your sensor, knob engravings cannot be added to bats with a Smart-Ready knob.SwingTracker sensor is removable, chargeable, and includes a replica sensor for times the bat is not in “smart” mode.
Get the Most Precise Swing Data
Analyze your swing with 11 different metrics in four core swing categories: Speed, Power, Quickness, and Control.

Free iOS App
The SwingTracker sensor captures motion data in real-time and sends it to a paired mobile device via Bluetooth. View metrics in easy-to-read graphics and charts or sync with a unique 3D image or video of your swing. Currently available for iOS devices only.
Powered by Diamond Kinetics
Diamond Kinetics provides real-time quantitative data, biomechanics feedback, and training guidance to help baseball and softball players be the best they can be.
Improving means knowing where you are, setting a goal and putting in the work to get there. Diamond Kinetics' technology enables you to do all that and more. From premier collegiate teams to top-level hitting instructors, it is used daily in cages, training facilities, and on the field nationwide.